Eating Pretty – Inside and Out

Eat Pretty

So we are almost out of January, but this week I’ve been getting my zen on! I’ve been reading Eat Pretty by Jolene Hart. Hart is a former beauty editor, and was compelled to write this book when, despite the perks of an endless array of (free) make up and skincare, she had tired, lacklustre skin, low energy levels, and all the rest that comes with a busy working life. So, she got majorly into nutrition for beauty.

I would say in general that I am quite knowledgeable as to how to eat well, and equally I would say that I do eat quite well. If you eat rubbish you will feel rubbish, which is nothing new to anyone’s ears. But this book is extremely comprehensive, teaching us how to eat the right foods not only for beauty but for enhanced mood and energy, to balance hormones, counteract ageing, combat inflammation, nurture the liver, eliminate harmful free radicals, and even reduce the risk of cancers, diseases, and look after our ovaries. I am lucky to have pretty good skin, but I am often tired, can get stressed, and have lost too many loved ones to cancer, so this book really appeals.

Hart teaches us what the Beauty Betrayers to avoid are, shows us how to build a superfood store cupboard, and educates on the benefits of a huge list of superfoods, before recommending superfoods for each season and various uber healthy power recipes.

The Beauty Betrayers make up quite a comprehensive list; if you were to follow it strictly you would be eliminating all dairy and all non-organic meats (because of the hormones and antibiotics in them), all fried foods, all processed foods, all soda, all but natural sugar, and (of course) caffeine and alcohol. Meat, cheese, and wine are some of the greatest pleasures in life so to give them up is out of the question. There is definitely something to be said for buying organic where possible though, and adding superfoods in with the good stuff. After all, there is simply no point in a January detox regime that is boring and unachievable.


I’ve stocked up on an array of superfoods from the Winter section, and over the next few days and weeks I’ll be posting recipes and showcasing the benefits of some of our best culinary friends. First up, tomato poached cod loin with kale and chickpeas. Watch this space!


5 thoughts on “Eating Pretty – Inside and Out

  1. Pingback: Superfood days: Tomato poached cod loin with kale and chickpeas | Everyday Adventures

  2. Pingback: Superfood Days: Leon’s Superfood Salad | Everyday Adventures

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